Resolve To Know More Acronyms!

This generation is ALL about acronyms.  It seems, everywhere you turn someone has abbreviated something.  LOL.  OMG.  BRB.

Well, it’s no different in the TTC/Infertility world!  It’s so easy to get lost in all of them.  So, I’m going to list them all here for you so that next time you’re reading a blog or an article or even talking to someone, you can not only understand what you are reading but maybe even astound someone with your knowledge!  (You’re welcome!)

There is a VERY long list but I am just going to share the most popular.  Here we go!

2WW/TWW                              Two Week Wait

AF                                               Aunt Flow/Menstrual Cycle/Period

AH                                             Assisted Hatching

AI                                              Artificial/Assisted Insemination

ART                                          Assisted Reproductive Technology

BBT                                           Basal Body Temperature

BC                                             Birth Control Pills

BD                                             Baby Dance (sex)

Beta                                          HCG Pregnancy Test

BFN                                          Big Fat Negative

CD                                            Cycle Day

CM                                           Cervical Mucus

D&C                                        Dilation & Curettage

D&E                                        Dilation & Evacuation

DE                                           Donor Eggs

DH/DW                                 Dear Husband/Dear Wife

DOR                                        Diminished Ovarian Reserve

DPO                                        Days Post-Ovulation

DPR                                        Days Post-Retrieval

DPT                                        Days Post-Transfer

DP3DT                                   Days Post 3-Day Transfer

DP5DT                                   Days Post 5-Day Transfer

Dx                                           Diagnosis

ENDO                                    Endometriosis

ER                                          Egg Retrieval

ET                                           Egg Transfer

Frostie                                   Frozen Embryo

FSH                                       Follicle Stimulating Hormone

GD                                         Gestational Diabetes

hCG/HCG                            Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

HPT                                      Home Pregnancy Test

HSC                                      Hysteroscopy

HSG                                     Hysterosalpingogram

ICSI                                      Intra-cytoplamic Sperm Injection

IF                                          Infertility

IM                                        Intramuscular injections

IUI                                       Intra-Uterine Insemination

IVF/ET                               In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer

IVF                                      In Vitro Fertilization

LH                                       Luteinizing Hormone

LMP                                    Last Menstrual Period (start date)

LP                                       Luteal-Phase

MC                                      Miscarriage

MFI                                    Male Factor Infertility

O/OV                                 Ovulation

OB/GYN                            Obstetrician/Gynecologist

OHSS                                 Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

OPK                                    Ovulation Predictor Kit

PCO                                     Polycystic Ovaries

PCOD/PCOS                     Polycystic Ovarian Disease/Syndrome

PG                                       Pregnant

POAS                                  Pee On A Stick

RE                                       Reproductive Endocrinologist

RI                                       Reproductive Immunologist

RPL                                    Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

SA                                      Semen Analysis

TTC                                    Trying To Conceive

US                                      Ultrasound

SHEW!  That’s a mouthful, huh?!  If you’re interested in a full list,  you can check out’s “Infertility Acronyms” article:

If you’d like to donate to our IVF fund, please visit:



Where do I even start?  This last week has been torture.  I despise waiting…  ESPECIALLY when it’s the kind of waiting that is wrought with anticipation.  Remember that insanely LARGE amount of blood that I had drawn a couple of weeks ago?  Well, I finally got the results of that.  I don’t fully understand what it means just yet, but I am digging as deep as I can to learn, so bear with me as I try to explain it…


I was diagnosed with a compound heterozygous MTHFR mutation.  (No, It’s not an abbreviation for a dirty word, although it’s VERY fitting!)  I had some additional blood work done today to find out whether I will need to be referred to a hematologist or simply be treated by Family Care Dr.  There isn’t much information on it yet, as it’s still something that’s being studied.  One of the simplest blogs I’ve read that helps explain it is by Kate Powe, titled “From Infertility to Depression to Cancer.  Why you need to get to know MTHFR”  where she breaks it down into kind of an MTHFR for Dummies!  One way she describes it is – it’s a mutation of a gene who’s “role is to produce an enzyme that converts folate into the body’s bioactive form, methylfolate.”  She says “If you happen to have this genetic hiccup, it results in a defective MTHFR enzyme which leads to a substantial reduction of the enzyme’s function …  The impact that a faulty MTHFR gene can have on the entire body is so far-reaching, it’s considered to be linked to a host of chronic diseases, including: cardiovascular disease, clotting disorders and thromboembolism, congenital defects, recurrent miscarriage, neural tube defects, infertility, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, migraine, anxiety, ADD, autism, cancer, diabetes, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar and addictions.”  (italics by me)

There are a couple of spots on a certain strand of DNA that this gene can mutate/copy.  Position 677 & 1298.  There are a few different ways that it can copy also.  Heterozygous means there is 1 copy of either the 677 or 1298 mutation from one parent plus a normal gene from the other, homozygous means there are 2 copies of the 677 & 1298 mutation, one from each parent.  Compound heterozygous (me) means you have one copy of the 677 mutation from one parent and one copy of the 1298 mutation from the other parent.

As it relates to pregnancy, it can cause blood clots, miscarriage, neural tube defects, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, Down Syndrome, just to name a few.


Ok, enough of the science mumbo-jumbo…  what does it all MEAN?!  From what I can understand, it means that with this mutation  (side note: every time I hear that word I think of X-men)  my body can’t process certain things the way that it’s supposed to which increases my risk of risk of a variety of cancers, heart problems & all kinds of other stuff that makes it sound like the speed talking portion of the side effects on a medicine commercial!

So, as you can see, it’s a LOT to take in.  My head is spinning and my brain is on information overload!  Prayers for answers have not gone unheard, it’s just not what I was expecting – AT ALL!  Since it’s something that’s in my DNA, it can’t be “fixed” (yet) but it seems fairly treatable.  It seems through diet and lifestyle changes, the levels that this mutation throws off can be balanced, and therefore the side effects lessened.  I will be taking a low-dose (81mg) aspirin every day, and while TTC will be needing to take extra folate.  If I can get pregnant again,  it seems I will need to take – either by injection or pill – a blood thinner so as to decrease the chance of clots that may result in another miscarriage.  It really does explain a LOT of the chronic illnesses and such that I’ve dealt with throughout my life!

sick lady

We still have so much more to learn and honestly, it terrifies me.  But we’ve fought so hard to get where we are, that it would make NO SENSE to roll over and give up now!

In other news, with my period being the absolute latest its EVER been (7 days!) and being in some severe pain over the weekend, I had some blood work and an ultrasound done today that confirmed that not only am I NOT pregnant but I have yet another cyst on my left ovary.  After a complete level 4 breakdown in the OB’s office – which I feel bad about cuz they’re so used to helping women that are pregnant, that they don’t quite know what to do with one that can’t get there – I dried my tears long enough to make it home and collapse in a heap.  I started the medication that I am supposed to take for 5 days in order to bring on my period in about two weeks, only to discover that it only took one pill in order to make my aunt arrive.

This last week has been torture…  But answers are slowly coming.  I’ve felt so discouraged and broken.  Just when I feel like my heart might be mending, something comes along and shatters it just a little bit more.  I KNOW that God knows.  I know that He has a plan.  I know that I’m PROBABLY stronger than I feel… but dang it all if I don’t just feel so beat up lately.  I’m gonna pull myself up by the bootstraps and learn about what our options are for conceiving and exactly what the relationship will be for MTHFR & me.
