God Knows

Last week, I wrote a blog about how J & I feel like God is leading us down the path of adoption. The amount of support, encouragement and love I got from that post was overwhelming! As tough of a decision as it was, we feel peaceful about it.  Which is a sure sign that we are doing what God wants us to do… Lately, I’ve felt the need to clarify that through this entire journey, J & I have trusted God to work things out to His will.  We know that God’s ways are not our ways and that sometimes, He doesn’t answer our prayers the way that we ask Him to, but that doesn’t mean our prayers have gone unanswered. God's Plans A couple of years ago we went to a church when we lived in Louisville that we always felt so comfortable at.  We’ve been searching for a church home for a while and now that we are back in Louisville, decided to go back. The preacher that was there before is no longer there, but we still very much enjoyed it.  A very friendly man came and introduced himself to us.  He’d only been with the church for about 3 weeks but was a new ministry partner and was trying to meet as many new people as possible. The gentleman that usually does the music ministry for the church was the guest preacher on Sunday.  He spoke of avoiding distractions and using interruptions as opportunities to grow closer to God. And then…  he began to speak about how him and his wife are in the process of adopting a child.  They have grown children of their own, but they feel that God is leading them to be a miracle to a child that needs it. **Cue the waterworks** I feel that God knew we needed to be there and hear what this man had to say as a way of encouraging us. I filled out a “Visitor Card” and dropped it in the offering plate, and received the pleasant surprise of an email today from the man who introduced himself to us on Sunday.  He spoke of finding time to get together to speak of connection opportunities, learning more about the church and possibly finding a church home.  He even mentioned coming and having dinner with his family!  It was really nice to have someone reach out to us so warmly and quickly! On the adoption front…  I was disappointed to learn that the agency we’d chosen to pursue adoption with wasn’t accepting adoptive families at the time. It was hard to not be discouraged and feel completely deflated.  But I’m no quitter! I asked the woman at that agency if she had any suggestions of other agencies in the area and she gave me about 6 or 7 names.  I went online and perused through a few of them and one kind of stood out. I sent an email and received a VERY prompt reply!  I was able to talk to a woman from the agency today and we have a consultation on Thursday night!!! She works in a city that is about an hour away and is even driving here to Louisville to meet us and talk with us!  I was very impressed with her as she was so patient and personable with me as I was asking questions.  She made me feel very comfortable and I am VERY excited to meet with her and learn more! I asked her if she was ok with J’s mom joining us, because I know that we all have questions and I want to make sure that our bases are covered…  She seemed so truly excited that I had asked her that.  She said that she LOVES when whole families are involved in this process and feels like it’s so important. Today, I feel more at peace about all of this than I think I really have since we made the decision. I’m not going to get too excited, just because …  well, because I’m probably more of a realist than I should be and always feel the need to keep the “what-if’s” in mind so that my heart is protected. But at the same time, my heart is absolutely flip-flopping with joy, excitement and anticipation!! We are truly on our way to building our family!!! And it is so comforting to know that, above all else, GOD KNOWS. Blessed-By-Adoption

15 thoughts on “God Knows

  1. I am so excited for you but I think it’s okay to allow yourself and heart to do flip flops. The what ifs and doubts are lies from the enemy. If God is calling you to do this and your hope is in Him, then there is no reason to not be excited. The bible says that when we put our hope in God, then he doesn’t disappoint. Praying for you! Xoxo


    • Oh, I AM excited!! And I’m letting my heart do flip-flops for sure! I KNOW this is what God wants and feel so peaceful with the decision… It’s just that part of me that’s felt pain and heartache that fights to keep me grounded. 😉 Our hope is in Him, 100%! Thanks, lady!


  2. I don’t know what the laws are in your state, but I’ve read a lot of articles on Foster Care Adoption. If you can go that route they pay for everything. I tried to steer our daughter that direction but our son-in-law is nervous about the child they might get. You do not have to take any child they give you and can wait until the “fit” is right. I am excited about God’s leading for you both and praying that this meeting will be the open door to your new family.


  3. So, so exciting!!! I just LOVE how God confirmed by that church service that you are on the right track! I know He will lead you every step of the way!!!! I can’t wait to follow your journey!!! Totally ‘ with you’ in this!! So stinkin exciting!!!!!


  4. I’m happy that your church service was able to give such insight. They always say seek and GOD and HE will answer. Talk about being feeling like that was meant entirely for you. I wish you luck with the meeting I hope it goes well.


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